20 Awesome VSCode Extensions for Front-End Developers 🚀

Kader Biral
7 min readFeb 13, 2024



Creating an effective development environment for front-end developers enables projects to be managed efficiently and progress swiftly. The extensions provided by Visual Studio Code further facilitate the development process and enhance productivity through collaboration. In this article, we will explore 20 awesome VSCode extensions for front-end developers.

1. Live Server

Live Server is an extension that allows users to preview web pages live and track changes in real-time. This extension provides a live preview that automatically reloads in the browser when a file is saved, speeding up the development process and providing instant feedback.

2. Live Share

Live Share is a powerful tool that enables real-time collaboration for developers. With this extension, team members in different locations can work together on the same project. It’s an ideal solution for writing code together, debugging, reviewing, or simply exchanging ideas.

3. Prettier — Code Formatter

Prettier is a code formatter used in JavaScript and many other programming languages. It automatically formats and organizes code, ensuring that your code adheres to style rules. It eliminates the need for manual code formatting, saving time for developers.

4. Better Comments

Better Comments is an extension that helps organize comments in your code files. It offers more than simple single-line comments, allowing you to add different types of comments and highlight each type with a specific color or style. This makes it easier to identify and understand different sections of your code.

5. indent-rainbow

indent-rainbow is an extension that colorizes indentation in code to make it more readable. It assists in quickly understanding your code when navigating between indentation levels.

6. Color Highlight

Color Highlight is an extension that allows users to see color values more prominently in CSS, SASS, LESS, Stylus, and other languages. It detects color codes within the code and visually highlights them.

7. Output Colorizer

Output Colorizer allows you to customize the colors of text in your output panel. This extension is used to make long and complex texts, such as compilation, debugging, or runtime outputs, more readable.

8. CSS Peek

CSS Peek provides quick access to CSS code while styling is being done in HTML files or working in CSS files. It essentially allows you to easily track references to CSS code, speeding up the development process and helping to create a more organized codebase.

9. Live Sass Compiler

Live Sass Compiler is an extension that automatically compiles Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) files into CSS files. It compiles Sass files automatically when you save them, allowing you to see them live in the browser. This speeds up the development process and allows for more efficient work.

10. Auto Rename Tag

Auto Rename Tag is an extension used to automatically rename tags in HTML and XML files. With this extension, when you change a tag, the matching closing tag is automatically updated. This helps keep your code clean and organized while also allowing you to quickly change tags.

11. Auto Close Tag

Auto Close Tag allows you to automatically close HTML and XML tags. This reduces the time developers spend manually closing tags in HTML or XML files and minimizes the risk of improperly closed tags.

12. Import Cost

This extension shows the size and impact of any library in your JavaScript and TypeScript files. It displays a small tag next to each import statement, showing the size of that dependency in bytes. This allows you to monitor and identify unnecessary dependencies that could cause.

13. Path Intellisense

Path Intellisense is an extension used to automatically complete file and folder paths in Visual Studio Code’s code editor. This extension helps save time navigating the file system and quickly completing file or folder names while typing.

14. ESLint

ESLint is a static code analysis tool for identifying potential errors and violations of style guides in a JavaScript file. It comes with many different rule sets and configuration options, allowing developers to create a check scheme that fits project requirements.

15. Quokka.js

Quokka.js is a JavaScript playground that allows you to quickly test and experiment with JavaScript and TypeScript code. This extension provides real-time results as you write code, creating a fast feedback loop. This makes the coding process more efficient and debugging easier.

16. Code Spell Checker

Code Spell Checker helps developers identify spelling errors. This extension detects spelling errors in code lines written in specific languages (such as JavaScript, Python, HTML, etc.) and provides correct spelling suggestions.


Bookmarks allow developers to mark important points while navigating codebases and track them. This extension offers a set of shortcuts and functionalities to mark specific lines and easily return to them later.

18. Peacock

This extension allows you to set different color themes for each project you work on in your code editor. By adjusting the color palette of your project, you can switch between multiple projects more quickly and keep your codebase more organized.

19. Excel Viewer

Excel Viewer allows you to open Excel files directly in the editor. This allows you to quickly review your data without needing an Excel installation or external program.

20. GitLens

GitLens is an extension that allows you to control everything related to Git. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for tracking your code, reviewing your changes, browsing history, analyzing your code history, and even collaborating. This extension offers various features to optimize your development process and allows developers to manage their code more efficiently.


For front-end developers, the extensions provided by Visual Studio Code make the development process faster, more efficient, and more effective. These 20 extensions support developers in various areas such as collaboration, code formatting, debugging, and more. Therefore, by using these extensions, you can enhance the quality of your projects and experience a smoother development experience.



Kader Biral
Kader Biral

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